Goodbye text messages and Excel sheets: Hello GoKid.
Our carpool planner lets you organize your kids carpools for school and after-school activities in minutes.
See your daily carpool schedule, and get notified when it’s your turn to drive.
Organize the entire school carpool in 2 minutes: Simply set the locations, times and dates then invite trusted families. GoKid takes care do the rest.
No more guessing if a parent is driving or on its way. We have maps and you can track if the driving parent is on the way.
Family plans change and GoKid is here to keep track: Need to opt out of a carpool or change your Childs’ pick-up locations? Make changes with one tap and your carpool group will know in real time.
Stay in control who will be driving with you. No strangers or paid drivers. Only friends and families that you know and trust. Gokid offers a volunteer system – and will notify the entire carpool.
Safety and better control of your carpools
The parent who volunteered to drive will show up in your schedule – you can contact them if needed. If a driver is needed your entire carpool will get a notification.
No more guessing where to pick up a child: The exact address appears on a map view.
GPS and routing helping the driving parent.
The volunteering driver will always have their own child in the vehicle and we will route the trip accordingly. Get notified when it's time to go and when your child has arrived.
Set up the carpool details and invite friends
Our additional safety features:
Live tracking
Added notification controls
See your carpool history
Carpool notes
We’re so glad you found us! You need three things to get started on Gokid
1. A family
2. Somewhere your kids need to go
3. Friends with kids who also need to go somewhere
Once you’ve downloaded the app (Android or iOS) and registere you’ll simply create a profile and add your family members.
Just tap on “create” and follow the steps on the page to enter the carpool name, and when and where it happens. Then select friends to invite from your phone’s contact list or type their emails/phone numbers in manually. You can add a custom message to your carpool invitation as well.
When you save your carpool your invitations will be sent (if you added invitees). As your friends join, you’ll get notified by the app.
Lastly, volunteer to drive on the days that work best for you by scrolling through the schedule and tapping the red Select Driver button.
GoKid will ensure all participants can see the same schedule and everyone is kept reminded of when it’s their turn to participate or drive. We also plot the optimal driving route, and adjust if one or more of the kids aren’t participating on a specific date.
GoKid is available on iOS, Android, and web.
GoKid is available for free and includes all the core functionalities needed to set up and manage carpools. You can sign up now on Android, iOS or on our website.
Families can also upgrade their accounts on a subscription basis to unlock additional features. The upgrade applies to every member of your family and will include life tracking of vehicles, the history of your carpools, chat functionalities. A monthly subscription is $4.99 / month.
A yearly subscription is $49.99 / year.
To create a carpool simply tap on “Create” in the GoKid app. If you have more than one child, you will be first asked which of your children the carpool is for – you can select as many of your own children as you like to participate. Next, you’ll see the What/Where/When screen. Each of these sections asks a specific question about the carpool you are setting up.
Name your carpool.
Set the locations the carpool is going from/to. Use the Kids Homes group as a placeholder for all the addresses of the participating children. As each family joins, they will set their own child’s specific address in this location group.
Set the start date of the carpool and the time the driver needs to get the kids to their event (or, for a ride where the kids are being dropped home after an event, set the time the driver needs to be at the event location to pick them all up). The “be at” location is the one that is time sensitive so it should always be the event location (e.g. “be at school by 8am to drop the kids off,” or ”Be at school at 3pm to pick all the kids up.””) Don’t forget to choose repeat options and an “until” date if this is a recurring event! On the next page, you’ll choose invitees:
Select which families you want to invite to this carpool. If you aren’t sure, you can leave this section blank and invite them later by editing the carpool after it’s set up.
Custom Message
You can write a message to your carpool invitees, or leave the pre-filled text there. When you’re all set, just hit the button to send your invitations and create your carpool. As your friends join you’ll get notified.
At GoKid the Family shares a family account! Here is how it works
One adult starts the family account and adds other family members by going to your profile and pressing “add family member.”
Choose if you are adding an adult or a child.
The password to the account is a SHARED family password. Once you have added family members to your profile, please provide them with the family password and they will be able to log in using that password and the email address you put in their profile.
Don’t forget to add pictures! It’s not a requirement but it makes it a lot friendlier when you send carpool invitations or view the schedule. The point of using dummy text for your paragraph is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters. making it look like readable English.